Minor in Project Management


One of the critical success factors of a project is a strong leader who is able to manage the team members and other resources, so that the project can be completed on time, within budget and at an acceptable level of quality. As more and more human endeavours are organised in the form of discrete but inter-related projects, there is a need for well-trained leaders to manage these projects. The generic knowledge in project management helps future leaders undertake important and challenging tasks of organising manpower, materials, equipment, time and monetary resources to achieve project success.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

The main aim of this minor is to provide a broad-based education in leadership and management, with specific focus on dynamic situations. This minor also aims to equip future leaders with skills and knowledge that are transferable from one sector to another.

The learning outcome is: NUS graduates who have strategic competencies to manage complex and large projects.


The Minor in Project Management programme is open to all NUS undergraduates in level 2 and 3 of a 4-year programme, except BSc (Project and Facilities Management) and BEng (Infrastructure and Project Management).

Curriculum and Modules

Cohort 2018/19 and before

(24 Modular Units)

Cohort 2019/20 and onwards

(20 Modular Units)

To be awarded a Minor in Project Management, the student must pass 6 courses, equivalent to 24 modular units (MUs). These 24 MUs are divided into Compulsory (4 MUs) and Elective Courses (20 MUs). All 6 minor courses must be graded. No satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) option is allowed.


(A) Compulsory Courses

  • PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management

(B) Elective Courses
(Students should choose 5 out of the 8 modules shown below)

  • PF2108 Project Cost Management
  • PF2109 Project Feasibility
  • PF2203 Quality and Productivity Management
  • PF2205 Project Finance
  • PF3104 Project Execution
  • PF3208 Project Leadership
  • PF4102 Contract and Procurement Management
  • PF4203 Project Dispute Management

To be awarded a Minor in Project Management, the student must pass 5 courses, equivalent to 20 modular units (MUs). These 20 MUs are divided into Compulsory (4 MUs) and Elective Courses (16 MUs). All 5 minor courses must be graded. No satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) option is allowed.


(A) Compulsory Courses

  • PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management

(B) Elective Courses
(Students should choose 4 out of the 8 courses shown below)

  • PF2108 Project Cost Management
  • PF2109 Project Feasibility
  • PF2203 Quality and Productivity Management
  • PF2205 Project Finance
  • PF3104 Project Execution
  • PF3208 Project Leadership
  • PF4102 Contract and Procurement Management
  • PF4203 Project Dispute Management

Courses Description

For more information on the courses, please click here.

Application Procedure

Students have to submit an online application on APAD in EduRec within the application period.

For more information, please visit the APAD website (http://www.nus.edu.sg/ModReg/academic-plan-application-declaration.html)

Application Period for AY2024/2025 Semester 1: 19th April 2024 to 5th May 2024.

All applications must be completed and submitted online by 5th May 2024 (Sunday). Late applications and/or incomplete applications will not be considered. Successful applicants will be notified by email.

Withdrawal Procedure

Students who wish to withdraw from the minor programme at any time, please inform pfm@nus.edu.sg

For enquiries, please email ipm@nus.edu.sg

Note: Every effort is made to ensure that the information is accurate and current. However, the University reserves the right to make changes without notice.